Monday, June 27, 2011

ZDF History / Kennedy

ZDF History is among Germany's leading TV broadcasters for premiere documentaries and historical entertainment. The latest trailers put the program viewers in the spotlight and show an audience in awe — the testimonials are retelling historical events so vividly and compelling, one believes they have experienced those events themselves.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Diesel Island National Anthem

This is the land of the Stupid,
This is the land of the Brave.
And our hearts rejoice to know
we are the least fucked up country of all.
Japan, they work too hard,
Nigeria is too corrupt,
Greece has gone bankrupt,
We are the least fucked up country of all.
The French are a little bit arsey,
While Australia's too laid back,
It's too hot in Ecuador,
We are the least fucked up country of all.
Italy too much pasta,
Jamaica too much rasta,
Sweden is way too cold,
We're the least fucked up country of all.
China is overpopulated,
Junk food in the USA,
Venezuela may start a war,
We are the least fucked up country of all.
Diesel Island, Diesel Island...
The place the Stupid and the Brave call home.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bring your message to life with voice sms - batelco

Bring your message to life with voice sms - Batelco
Add *11* followed by the recipient's number and record your message

TMB Panyee FC short film

TMB bank have launched a new brand vision "Make THE Difference" by making a film to inspire people to start thinking differently. With a hope that they will start to Make THE Difference to their own world. It doesn't have to be big, but a little can create positive changes. This film is based on a true story. In 1986 a football team that lived on a little island in the south of Thailand called "Koh Panyee". It's a floating village in the middle of the sea that has not an inch of soil. The kids here loved to watch football but had nowhere to play or practice. But they didn't let that stop them. They challenged the norm and have become a great inspiration for new generations on the island.

Sprite Revolution

Sprite believes that everyone has a refreshing side...even the world's toughest dictators.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Moe's Southwest Grill: Transitions

Uploaded with permission from Ad Agency Focusbrands and Moe's for

FAGE Total Plain Extraordinary™

FAGE Total takes you on a mouthwatering journey from plainly plain—to plain extraordinary ™.

Plain was the same as it ever was the same.
Plainly plain...
Samely same...
But then...someone lit the flame.
Plain rode away on lion's mane.
Where plain met fruits with strangely names.
Such wonderful things they did contain.
A shot of life to a hungry vein.
The captive beast who broke the chain.
And there upon that fruited plane,
is where plain became what plain became.
So much more than more than plain.
Plain will never be the same.

Lacplesis Bears

Monday, May 30, 2011

Campaign for Nursing's Future - Hospice Nurses

"Open Window" Nursing commercial highlighting hospice nurses on behalf of the Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing's Future.

Campaign For Nursing's Future - Pediatric Nurses

"Name Game" Nursing Commercial highlighting pediatric nurses. Produced by the Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing's Future

Campaign for Nursing's Future - Emergency Room Nurses

"Charm" Nursing commercial highlighting emergency room nurses on behalf of The Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing's Future. To find out more about becoming a nurse visit.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Voltaren - because we do things we're not built for

Delsey Design - Travel Light

Travel Light
Heavier bags are not stronger or better. They are just heavier. For durable, dependable lightweight luggage, pick up a Delsey and feel the difference.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ISPCC I Can't Wait

Every Day in 2010 the ISPCC recieved 2,300 calls. 35% of these went unanswered due to lack of funds. Please take a moment to donate now.

Directed by Richie Smyth

Produced by Blinder

Agency: Ogilvy

Client: ISPCC

Monday, May 16, 2011

New KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese TV Commercial: "Pawn Shop"

How would you like it if someone took something you really, really love? When you eat someone's gooey, cheesy KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese, there's a price to pay. Check out the newest "You know you love it." campaign.

New KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese TV Commercial: "Officer Dan"

People are still stealing KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese. And from the looks of it, noodle theft is a gooey, cheesy crime that isn't to be taken lightly. Check out the newest "You know you love it." campaign.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Video Chat. -T-Mobile. Stick together

Video Chat. T-Mobile. Stick together.

Dirt Devil-The Exorcist

What an excellent day for an exorcism.

Dirt Devil - Exorcist (90")
Brand: Dirt Devil
Product: Centrino Cleancontrol
Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Copywriter/ Art Director: Andre Price
Producer: Christian Hergenröther
Director: Andreas Roth
Dop: Roland Stuprich
Music: The German Wahnsinn Team
Editor: Alexander Menkö

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kill your mini me - Acerca Nutritional and Sports Consulting

Kill your mini me. Acerca. Nutritional and Sports Consulting.

Abandoning makes the violence almost invisible

Abandoning makes the violence almost invisible. Don't let it become something usual. Animal can't speak, but they express themselves. Amigos dos Bichos.

Audi A7 Papercraft Model

The Audi A7 design began with a clean sheet of paper. Graphic design artist Taras Lesko started this project with 285 clean sheets of paper. Using photos and drawings of the A7, he designed 750 model pieces out of card stock, which he then printed, folded and glued together. His equipment was a laser printer, two desktop cutting plotters, glue and an X-ACTO knife. More than 245 hours later, he had created his own bold vision.

Visit and tell us where you find bold design.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Canon VB-C300. - The witness you can trust

Canon VB-C300. The witness you can trust.

Fondation pour l'Enfance : Les 3 générations

Ce film publicitaire de la Fondation pour l'Enfance dénonce les violences faites aux enfants pour les éduquer. La campagne choque et cherche à modifier les comportements. La pub affiche une mère qui frappe son enfant.

Retrouvez davantage de pubs sur

Magic Form Under Wear Since 1952

Magic Form Under Wear. Since 1952.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

If you love liqourice, all you see is Panda

If you love liqourice, all you see is Panda. Panda - Fresh Herb Liqourice.

Drunken Direction Signs - FIRST FLOOR

'FIRST FLOOR' - a pub located in Asia's largest IT hub Nehru Place, Delhi. Around 2 million visi this marketplace everyday. Despite this large plausible customer base 'FIRST FLOOR' remained lost amongst zillions of shops. The challenge was to make consumers take notice of 'FIRST FLOOR' and direct them to it.

Creative Solution:
Nehru Place is infested with billboards and posters. The regular have learn to ignore them. These have turned into blind spots. Any traditional medium would just not have attracted any attention in this environment.

So we got the Human Direction Signs drunk! For one week, everyday 7 human direction signs, pretended to be happily passed out at various places across the market, with t-shirt stating the 'distance' and 'direction' to 'FIRST FLOOR'.

This unusual sight was hard to miss. On a hot drab afternoon this quirky vision attracted several people forwards it. Passersby took a break, relating to the visual of the happy drunken tippler, some following these milestones right up to the pub.

The bar become a topic of discussion amongst the crowds and began attracting consumers as n available hangout destination.

'FIRST FLOOR' reported a 62% increase in footfalls within a fortnight. The drunken direction signs were much talked about and the pub has got an excellent word of mouth publicity going on till date.