Saturday, May 7, 2011

Drunken Direction Signs - FIRST FLOOR

'FIRST FLOOR' - a pub located in Asia's largest IT hub Nehru Place, Delhi. Around 2 million visi this marketplace everyday. Despite this large plausible customer base 'FIRST FLOOR' remained lost amongst zillions of shops. The challenge was to make consumers take notice of 'FIRST FLOOR' and direct them to it.

Creative Solution:
Nehru Place is infested with billboards and posters. The regular have learn to ignore them. These have turned into blind spots. Any traditional medium would just not have attracted any attention in this environment.

So we got the Human Direction Signs drunk! For one week, everyday 7 human direction signs, pretended to be happily passed out at various places across the market, with t-shirt stating the 'distance' and 'direction' to 'FIRST FLOOR'.

This unusual sight was hard to miss. On a hot drab afternoon this quirky vision attracted several people forwards it. Passersby took a break, relating to the visual of the happy drunken tippler, some following these milestones right up to the pub.

The bar become a topic of discussion amongst the crowds and began attracting consumers as n available hangout destination.

'FIRST FLOOR' reported a 62% increase in footfalls within a fortnight. The drunken direction signs were much talked about and the pub has got an excellent word of mouth publicity going on till date.

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